This site is in development and I cant be bothered to hide it. Dont bother trying to use it, it wont work for a while. Once it works, Ill add pretty graphics and things, and remove this message
You cannot do anything on this page until you've set up at least one
Safe Zone
My Events
You currently have no events running. Click below to start one, but be sure you've set up your Safe Zones first!
WARNING: When you start an event, you may not end it unless you are in a Safe Zone. You may end it when inside a Safe Zone, or you must be within a Safe Zone when the event timer finishes. If you are not, a log of your locations will be sent to your emergency contact.
You are currently in a Safe Zone. If you wish, you may cancel the event you have running
Click to cancel
You have an active event which was created on a different device. You may only edit that event from the device (phone etc) which is was created on.
Position being tracked. Please leave your browser pointing to this page, to ensure GPS tracking continues. If you enter a safe zone, you will be able to edit the contents of this page.
Determining your location...
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